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About the Dobermans

The Doberman Pinscher was developed in Germany in the 1860's, created by a German tax collector named Louis Dobermann. Dobermann had to travel frequently through bandit-infested areas, and decided to develop a watchdog and bodyguard capable of handling any situation that might arise.
Dobermans are large dogs with a compact muscular body. They are very intelligent and energetic with tremendous strength and stamina. Dobies like to be with their people and thrive on human interaction and leadership. They are loyal, tolerant, dedicated and affectionate with the family. Determined, bold and assertive while working, they are very adaptable, highly skilled and versatile. Dobermans are very easy to train and make outstanding watch and guard dogs that do not need additional protection training.
This breed is not for everyone. They need mental stimulation and a lot of daily exercise as well as consistent training. Dobermns are very loving and affectionate and make fabulous family dogs but they do need to be socialized from a young age. They are a short-haired breed with a low maintenance coat. However, they are very cold sensitive and need to live indoors. They will do okay in an apartment if sufficiently exercised, but prefer to have at least an average-sized yard. Doberman Pinschers have many talents including tracking, watchdog, guarding, police work, military work, search and rescue, therapy work, service work of many kinds, show, competitive obedience, agility and IPO/Schutzhund and much more.
In General, European Dbermans are Larger in muscle definition and bone mass, compared to their North American counterparts, who are smaller in size and some say more "greyhound looking." European Dobermans are powerful and have blockier, more pronounced heads and deep chests.
Another notable difference is in temperament. The Doberman was originally bred to be a protection dog so they had to be courageous, fearless, loyal and intelligent. Today , many European Dobermans still posses these working characteristics and excel not only in the show ring, but also in sporting ring, such as, IPO/Shutzhund (tracking, obedience and personal protection). In contrast, very few North American Dobermans are successful at achieving IPO titles. They are great in most all working lines. The European Dobermans is stable around children, family members and non-threatening strangers, Yet, when the need arises, they will be protective and defend boldly.
Doberman Pinscher's are a medium to large breed, they are muscular and possesses great endurance and speed. He is elegant in appearance and reflects great nobility and temperament. The properly bred and trained Doberman has proved itself to be a friend and guardian, and his intelligence and ability to absorb and retain training have brought him/her into demand as a police and war dog. The Doberman's short, hard coat can be black, red, blue and fawn. Other color's but not recognized with AKC standards are white and solid black.
Personality: Alert, fearless, loyal, and highly trainable
Energy Level: Very active; Dobes are energetic dogs who need regular exercise to keep their magnificent physique
Good with Children: Yes
Good with other Dogs: yes with proper introduction and supervision
Grooming: Occasional
Trainability: Eager to please
Bark Level: Barks when necessaary
Life Expectancy: 10 - 12 years
Height: 26-28 inches (male) or more 24-26 inches (female)or more
Weight: 75 - 125 lbs (male) or more 60 - 115 lbs (females) or more
About the German Shepherds
The German Shepherd is a breed of medium to large - shape working dog that originated in Germany. The breeder officially recognized name is German Shepherd dog in the English language, sometimes abbreviated as GSD and was also formerly known as the Alsatian in Britain. The German Shepherd is relatively a new breed of dog, with there origin dating to 1899. As part of the herding group, German Shepherds are working dogs developed originally for herding sheep. Since that time, however, because of their strength, intelligence, trainability, and obedience, German Shepherds around the world are often the perferred breed for many types of work, including disability assistance, service work of many kinds, therapy work, search and rescue, police and military work, drug task force, agility, protection, competitive obedience, IPO/Shutzhund, Show, acting, loyal loving companions and much more. The German Shepherd is the second - most popular breed of dog in the United States and fourth - most popular in the United Kingdom.
The Breed was established in 1899, at Karlsruhe, Germany, by Captain Max Von Stephanitz (the father of the breed) and others. By careful breeding, using selected animals and keeping only the very best, they brought into being the breed know as the German Shepherd Dog (Deutsche Schaferhude).
The German Shepherd Dog is aloof, gentle, and loving dog. It desire to please humans is legendary making it a top obedience competitor and a first - rate companion dog for adults and children.
The first impression of a good German Shepherd Dog is that of a strong, agile, well muscled animal, alert and full of life. It is well balanced, with harmonious development of the forequarter and hindquarter. The dog is longer than tall, deep - bodied, and presents an outline of smooth curves rather than angles. It looks substantial and not spindly, giving the impression, both at rest and in motion, of clumsiness or soft living. The ideal dog is stamped with a look of quality and nobility - different to define, but unmistakable when present. Secondary sex characteristics are strongly marked, and every animal gives a definite impression of masculinity or femininity, occording to its sex.
Generally considered dogdom's finest all-purpose workers, German Shepherd Dogs are large, agile, muscular dogs of noble spirit and high intelligence. For such deep chested, solid dogs, they move quickly with great nimbleness afoot. The German Shepherd's natural gait is a free and easy trot, but when duty calls they can turn it up a notch or two and reach great speeds. Standing as high as 26 inches at the shoulders and built like a brick doghouse, the German Shepherd when viewed in outline presents a picture of smooth, graceful curves rather than angles.
The German Shepherd Dog is a family pet and a good guard dog, the ideal choice for many families. They require exercise. Training is one of the most important responsibilities you have as a dog owner. Basic obedience training will make your dog a better companion and strengthen the bond between the two of you.
Like all breeds , there may be some health issues, like hip dysplasia and eye disease. Some dog may be faced with these health challenges in their lives, but the majority of German Shepherd Dogs are healthy dogs. Working with a responsible breeder, those wishing to own a German Shepherd Dogs can gain the education they need to know about specific health concerns within the breed. Good Breeders utilize genetic testing of their breeding stock to reduce the likelihood of disease in there puppies.
German Shepherds come in a variety of colors and patterns including Black and Red, Black and Tan, Black and Silver, Bi colors, Sables, Silver, Blue, Liver, White, Black, Panda and much more syles patterns and colors.
Personality: Smart, confident, courageous, and steady; a true dog lover's dog
Energy Level: Very Active; These big guys were born to work; they require regular mental and physical exercise
Good with Children: Yes
Good with other Dogs: Yes when introduced properly and with supervision
Shedding: Frequent
Grooming: Occasional
Trainability: Eager to Please
Height 24 26 inches (male)or more 22- 24 inches (female)or more
Weight: 65- 100 pounds (male) 50- 85 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 7-15 yrs
Barking Levels: Barks when Necessary
Panda Shepherd
The Panda Shepherd is a pattern not a color German Shepherd that has occurred in single GSD bloodline. It is 35% white, while the remainder of the coloring is black and tan, (but can come in sable or black, blue, silver). It is a spontaneous mutation and has no white German Shepherds in its ancestry. The parents that produced the first known Panda (black tan/white female puppy) where a purebred Black German Shepherd dam and a purebred Black and Tan German Shepherd sire. The rest of the puppies in the litter were standard looking Black and Tan German Shepherd pups. The sole black/tan/white puppy also had blue eyes. In order to protect the image of her breeding program, the founding breeders Ms. Cindy took the Piebald puppy to Ohio State University Hospital for genetic DNA testing to find out the exact cause of the anomaly. Thhe parents of the pups were confirmed as purebred GSD's with no white GSD or other breeds in their lines. This was a purbred GSD that was born with a piebald coloring ( a pattern know as Panda). The same sire and dam that produced the Panda puppy who was named Franka. When Franka matured she was bred to a traditional Black and Tan GSD. out of the four puppies born, three turned out to have black/tan/white coats but lacked the blue eyes, while the fourth puppy was the traditional black and tan coloring. The black/tan/white(panda) German Shepherd Dogs were given the name Panda Shepherds.
Often used as working dogs, Panda Shepherds are courageous, keen , alert and fearless. Cheerful obedient to learn tranquil, confident, serious,and clever, Panda Shepherds are extremely faithful and brave. They will not think twice aabout giving their lives for their human pack. They have a high learning ability. Panda Shepherds love to be close to their families, but can be wary of strangers. This breed needs people and should not be left isolated for long periods of time ( as like most breeds). They only bark when they feel it is necessary. Often used as police dogs, and service work, the Panda Shepherd has a very strong protective instinct and is extremely loyal to its handlers. Socialize this breed well starting at puppy hood (as like most breeds). Aggression and attacks on people are due to poor handling and training (as in most breeds). Panda Shepherds are one of the smartest and most trainable breeds. The breed is so intelligent and learns so readily that it has been used as a sheepdog, guard dog, police work, military work, guide for the blind, therapy, service work of many kinds, search and rescue and so much more. The Panda Shepherd also excels in many other dog activities including IPO, Shutzhund, tracking, search and rescue, obedience, agility, show,Fly ball and ring sport and so much more. There fine noses can n sniff out drugs and intruders, and can alert handlers to the presence of underground mines in time to avoid detonation, or gas leaks in pipes buried 15 feet underground. The Panda Shepherd is also a popular show and of course loving loyal family companion.
Franka first ever known Panda Shepherd

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